5 signs that you need new windows
1. Your windows are drafty
They may be un-insulated, single pane glass. If you can feel air moving around your windows, it’s probably time to replace them. With today’s energy costs, you can’t afford to have windows that are not energy efficient.
2. They don’t operate properly
They won’t stay up or don’t latch. If they don’t latch properly, they aren’t sealed efficiently. Not to mention the safety concerns raised by unlocked windows.
3. Condensation forms between the panes of glass
Sign that the seal on the window has failed or the glass is warped and the panes of glass are too close together. Either way, they are compromised and not performing the way they were designed.
4. You hear everything that is going on outside
New windows help lessen noise pollution. Properly sealed windows muffle unwanted noise.
5. You have to go outside to clean your windows
It can be a lot of work and potentially dangerous to clean your windows off of a ladder. If this is a problem for you, it’s time to replace your windows with new windows that tip in for easy cleaning.